Mobile containerised ballast water treatment systems

– Designed for mobility, powered by innovation

- A proven, cost effective solution

Our Mobile Containerised Ballast Water Treatment System (BWTS) provides a compliance solution for vessel owners that cannot have or do not want a permanently installed system on their vessel.

For sea going barge owners having a mobile containerised system that can be used as and when required, depending on the project type, is an ideal solution. 

A mobile containerised BWTS can also be of great benefit if you have a fleet of vessels that operate in the same area. For example Platform Supply Vessels operating in the same region servicing the offshore oil & gas industry or Offshore Support Vessels supporting an offshore wind farm.


As per the IMO regulations, vessels should not be allowing the discharge of untreated ballast water – we offer a cost-effective, efficient and safe solution


Our containerised solutions cater for your specific requirements

Cost effective

Share one mobile containerised BWTS across the fleet


A pre installed system means a less intrusive final installation